Starting in the Plaxco Lab
When entering the Plaxco Lab, you will need to go through & fill out the following form(s), which also include mandated safety trainings. It may take you several weeks to complete the training, depending on the offered training schedule. Please note that you must complete the forms & training before beginning ANY experiment in the lab.
Plaxco Check-in Procedure
Plaxco Group Biohazard Checklist
Training Log for all types of training
Finding Your Training Records
References for the above requirements:
Chemical Hygiene Plan:Section I Section II Section III
Please also review and sign the hard copy in the student office
Standard Operation Procedures :
Please read and sign the hard copies of any relevant SOPs in SOP book the student office.
CHP, SOP creation, and SOP templates
Other Links:
Laboratory Hazard Assessment Training (LHAT) Help Sheet
Laboratory Self-Inspection Checklist
EH & S website for MSDS sheets on UCSB Campus
Near miss reporting
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
Canada Pathogen Safety Data
Leaving the Plaxco Lab
Although, we are sad to see you go, we have created the following procedures to ensure the safety of future members in the lab. This form is also required for you to receive letters of recommendations from K.W. Plaxco. We have found that if you are working at the time you begin to move out, it will take several days to finish this check list. Please plan ahead.
Plaxco Move Out Procedure